Composed of over 500 dedicated, professional educators serving the students and community of Glastonbury, Connecticut.

This website is designed to inform the members of upcoming events and current happenings within the GEA.  Information about contacting the officers and building representatives,  frequently asked questions, and upcoming meeting dates are shared using the menu options at the top of the page.

February Newsletter Highlights:

NEA Celebrates Black History Month

And you should too!

No matter the decade, public education has faced its serious and existential challenges. Since its inception in 1857, the National Education Association has been an advocate for educators and students, regardless of race. We look back upon the NEA’s centuries old commitment to racial equality with respect and renewed commitment in our present circumstances.

Martin Luther King, Jr., reminds us that “the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” Read more in our February Newsletter (reminder - only GEA members have access to the newsletter)